I am preparing for our quarterly administrative assistant meeting and am looking for icebreakers or a great way to open the meeting. Each quarter the meetings review company policy, confidentiality and the every day tasks, but I always try to bring in either a self-improvement topic or a motivational topic to keep the meeting from being too formal.
Any help, suggestions and/or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your time.
Submitted by: Diane Salava
Go around the room and ask everyone to tell one (1) thing about themselves that no one else in the room knows, OR tell what their first job was, OR who was the most famous person they met...this gives everyone a little more insight into the fun side of the participant...there's ALWAYS conversation that continues about the answers.
Shelley Smith on
1/25/2011 9:40:42 AM
Thank youf or all of your ideas and suggestions.
Diane Salava on
5/27/2010 10:07:47 AM
In the past, one of the things we did at our Admin meetings was discuss computer shortcuts. Each person came up with some computer shortcuts that they routinely use and then we compiled a reference guide which was distributed and discussed at a later meeting. It was a really informational meeting and I think a lot of the Admins learned shortcuts they may not have known before. Now, these shortcuts can be used on a daily basis.
Lori Shelly on
5/27/2010 9:35:42 AM
Since I am new at giving advice in the Admin area, I am not new at working with people in other venues. From what I am interpret is that you are the senior Admin. Ice breakers are not really necessary if you have been doing this for quite some time. If you were new, I would understand it because it dissipates some tensions.
Although these 1/4-ly meetings address company policies and confidentiality, you can use these meetings for a host of things. One thing you might really want to consider is having a formal meeting once in a while. Informality works great while working to get things done, But being formal shows that your people actually still care about their "working" well-being.
Use a motivational speaker once in a while. It will help.
Lloyd Becker on
5/26/2010 2:15:34 PM
I have subscribed to "Walk the Talk" from which I receive daily inspirations that I hang on the bulletin board in the hallway. I know that wouldn't be appropriate for what you're looking at, but on this website there are "mini movies" that you can you could log into and project. They run about three minutes, but the ones I have viewed seem to be very inspirational.
Phyl Brown on
5/26/2010 2:05:03 PM
We had an administrative breakfast for all of the admins in my company, and they had us all do a "workplace profile". It was alot of fun for each of us to go over what "type" we were and how accurately it described us. I believe the book is called "Type Talk at work" how the 16 personality types determine your success on the job.
Arlene Kiste on
5/26/2010 1:45:19 PM
Depending upon the level of comfort and how well you know one another, you could play "BS" (probably not the professional name), where everyone writes 3 things about themselves one of which would be true.
For example, one of our VP's wrote 1) he was in a rock band 2) played on the highschool tennis team 3) worked in a bookstore during college; the one truth was being in a rock band (with how we viewed him, it wasn't nearly as plausible as the other two options).
Elizabeth Erskine on
5/26/2010 1:41:29 PM